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Committees and Groups

There are many ways to serve our church community and the community of Welland as a whole.  Check out the groups within the church that keep it running and engaging.

Friendly Handshake

Church Council

Function: To attend to arising business of the church after the annual meeting. Meets monthly to be updated on daily needs of the church and committee work.

Chair – Joni Pitzel

Vice Chair - David Duffus

Past Chair – Marnie Swayze

Secretary – Dave Vernon

Treasurer – Donna Schaubel

Minister – Rev. Martha Lockwood



Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest; heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.” — Author Unknown

Purpose:  To glorify God and encourage His people in song!

Goal:  to develop soloists and special ensembles.

Contact:  Music Director – Aaron Albano

Members16, but the goal is to have 20 – 25

Meet:  7 p.m. Thursday nights from September to June

The final aim and reason of all music is nothing other than the glorification of God and the refreshment of the spirit.”  — JS Bach

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Community Ministries

And what does God require of you?  To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  — Micah 6:8

Number on committee: 10

Function:  to address identified needs of the congregation and community

Outreach groupsDrop InHERE with CentralKOATS FOR KIDSSew Together with Central

Special Projects: Christmas, Coldest Night of the Year, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Personal Care Bags, Toonies for Turkeys

Supporting Local Agencies:  Hope CentreNiagara Support Services – Beatrice ManorOpen Arms Mission, Wish House

Contact:  Cindy Clare

Faith Formation and Worship

Number on committee:  7, no vacancies

Meets:  2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Function: To oversee Worship and Christian Education, decorate the Sanctuary for special occasions, make sure Communion set-up is done.

Contact:  Heather Carey



Function: To oversee the financial operations of the Church

Treasurer - Donna Schaubel

Envelope Steward – Luanne Lochhead


Unit 9 - UCW

Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another —and all the more as you walk the path of faith.”  — Hebrews 10:25

Unit 9

We are a group of dedicated, ladies within the church who are considerate, compassionate, devoted, talented and hard working.

Number on committee: 25, open to all women in the congregation

Meets:  1st Tuesday of the month, Sander’s Room, 10 a.m.

Function: Fellowship, support and help for activities within the church and the community.

Activities and Special Events: 

  • coffee preparation and clean up 1 time per month after Sunday Service

  • cater bridal or baby showers, funeral receptions

  • guest speakers

  • help with soup lunch at Hope Centre 4-5 times per year

  • help with fundraisers, super sale in October and garage sales

  • presentations by members on their adventures/travels

  • soup and sandwich fundraiser held in the spring and fall

  • yearly outing for members

Wish List: younger women to join our fun

Contact:  Jean Ann Zurbrigg


Ministry and Personnel 

Number on committee:  5, no vacancies at this time

Meets:  No fixed schedule: ad hoc

Function:  This committee is mandated by the United Church of Canada.  Its’ role is to act on behalf of the congregation as the employer of the staff, managing all employment related matters including job responsibilities, salaries and benefits.

It is responsible for supporting, overseeing and supervising ministry personnel and lay staff.

Highlights:  Continued ongoing maintenance of good and effective staff relations.

Contact:  Heather Adams

Pastoral Care

Number on committee:  7, open to anyone interested

Meets:  when needed, 2-3 times per year

Function:  To visit, inform, keep connected and encourage those who are members of Central United Church but unable to attend in person.

Highlights and events:  Distribution of Poinsettias and Christmas remembrances

Contact:  Rev. Martha Lockwood

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Number on committee:  8, anyone can join

Meets:  2nd Tuesday of the month

Function:  maintain the buildings and the property of the Church

Wish List:  Our committee would like to do as much day-to-day work as possible with members of the congregation or their friends.  We would like anyone with any skills to contact us.

Contact:  Arnold Mackler

Memorial Fund

Number on committee:  2

Meets:  as needed

Function:  Investigate a request for use of memorial funds to see if the request meets the guidelines.

Contact:  Heather Carrey or Arnold Mackler


Drop In

Number on committee:  4, volunteers welcome

Meets:  Tuesday’s 6:30-8:30 pm. October through May

Function:  social drop in for members of our community living in poverty or on the margins.

Highlights and events:

  • weekly social gatherings serving coffee and a snack

  • enjoying conversations, card playing, creating art or singing with karaoke

  • guest speakers to share their stories or engage new activities

  • murder mystery dinner

Contact:  Sharon Freeman

Sew Together

We are a quilting group working out of Central United Church.  We are open to both those interested in learning about quilting or experienced quilters who would like to share their passion for quilting. 

Number on committee:  2

Number of members:  15, open to anyone in the community

Meet: Weekly, Mondays and/or Tuesdays 10 am. to 3 pm., Fellowship Hall

Function: To teach new quilters and mentor other quilters while building Quilts of Comfort.  To offer fellowship, spiritual and emotional support. To help with other Community projects of the church, for example sewing draw string bags for personal care products.

Highlights and events:

  • Monthly workshops

  • Guest speakers, vendors

  • Yearly quilting retreat

  • Quilts made for Essential Workers of Central

Quilts of Comfort are provided to members of our congregation or by request for people who are battling an illness or people who have suffered a loss.

Quilts of Comfort are also donated to the following:

  • Quilts of Valour Canada, quilts for injured military members and veterans

  • Victim Services, Niagara – specifically sexual assault victims

  • Wish House – an addiction recovery home for women

Wish List:  donations for quilt batting and quilt backing are greatly appreciated

Contact:  Joni Pitzel


Youth - Church M.I.C.E
(Meeting in Christian Eduation)

Function:  To explore the presence of God in our lives, learn the stories of the Bible, and share our faith with like-minded people in an ever changing world.

Highlights and Events:  

  • May – MICE Awards

  • July – VBS, Vacation Bible School

  • October – Halloween Party

  • November – MICE Talent Show

  • December – Christmas Party

Wish List: The youth of Central wish to be included and consulted on their opinion for different church activities.   They encourage the congregation to attend and participate in their events.

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